The Can Feliz was designed by Jon Utzon in 1994. Utzon choose its location because he said there seemed to be some form of poetry in the site, as it gave the best views and feeling of the area.
The villa was based completely based on a sketch by utzon with no formal drawing made. This was possible as he used very conventional types of construction which the local builders were familiar with, but without the use of design plans it was required that utzon be present for a large portion of construction. (Shown in the bottom right photo)
The villa is made from local sand stone, flag stone and terracotta tiles.
“It would seem theatrical,” Utzon has said of Can Feliz, “if I said that I have a household altar. But that’s what I have. This place is my altar. This is where, with the deepest respect, I face nature, and with the greatest passion, contemplate the sun and the land in front of me.”( )